College and Career

Scholarship Calendar

Initial value

College and Career

CPHS Scholarship Application

Seniors at CP are offered the opportunity to complete a CPHS Scholarship application, which highlights their academic and extracurricular achievements. This application is used by some local organizations including the Clover Park Scholarship Committee to determine scholarship recipients.

This application will be available second semester through the College and Career Research Center. This year, CPHS Scholarship applications will be available February 26, 2025 and will be due by 3:00 pm on April 11, 2025. Please note: Incomplete applications will not be reviewed or considered for awards. Any questions you have should be directed to our graduation team.

Final Grades & Transcripts

Final grades and transcripts are generally available the 2nd week of July. Report cards with students’ final grades will be mailed to the home address listed on Skyward at the end of June. Students who have been accepted by a post-secondary program that requires a final transcript will need to complete a final transcript request. All transcript requests must go to the Registrar, Ms. Reda ([email protected], 253-583-5521).

Financial Aid/Scholarships

In order for students to be eligible to apply for financial assistance from their post-secondary institutions, an application for financial aid must be completed. You will apply to either the FAFSA ( or the WASFA ( depending on your eligibility. The information available at will help you understand which application to complete if you are unsure. Financial aid applications for next school year are now open. Our graduation team will be offering multiple opportunities for families to receive assistance in completing these forms. Specific dates will be communicated via email, calls, Teams pages, and announcements.

Every year, Clover Park students receive thousands of dollars in scholarships. Many of these scholarships require that specific applications and other information be submitted directly to the chosen college or program, and application deadlines vary. It is important to be aware of all deadlines involved in the scholarship application process. All Seniors have access to an extensive list of scholarships and deadlines on their Advisory and Class of 2025 Teams pages.

7th Annual Seattle's Black College Expo to CPHS Junior and Seniors

We are so excited to offer the opportunity to attend the 7th Annual Seattle's Black College Expo to CPHS Junior and Seniors. This event takes place on January 18th from 10-2pm at Ranier Beach High School. Clover Park will be offering free transportation and registration to this event. At the Black College Expo, students will have the opportunity to meet one on one with several HBCUs, other colleges, universities, and educational programs. At this event, there will be opportunities to get on the spot acceptances to a variety of post-secondary programs, on the spot scholarships, and application fees waived.  

This is an amazing opportunity for CPHS students, and ALL students are highly encouraged to attend. Students interested in attending should complete the interest form by December 22ndClick here for the interest form. 

For more information on this event visit their website at Seattle Black College Expo or email Ms. Feller at [email protected].

Who to Contact

Madison Feller
Assistant Principal
[email protected]

Roxanna Vasques
Senior Counselor
[email protected]

Loraine Reda
[email protected]

Amanda Myers
Student Engagement Advocate
[email protected]

Brady Daly
College and Career Advocate
[email protected]