Senior Pictures and Yearbooks
Seniors can submit a different picture other than that on their ASB card for the 2024-2025 CPHS yearbook. To submit a different picture, Seniors need to email Mr. Hurdus, [email protected] or bring images to Mr. Hurdus in room 307. All pictures need to be submitted by December 20, 2024. Selfies will not be accepted.
Seniors are also encouraged to submit baby pictures and Senior quotes for the yearbook. Pictures should be delivered in person (on a flash drive) or hard copy (make sure your name is on the back). If you bring a hard copy photo, it will be scanned and given back to you on the spot if possible or at least within 24 hours. Baby pictures can be emailed as well to [email protected] and should include the name of the graduating senior who submitted the photo. If you would like a senior quote included in the yearbook, you can email it to Mr. Hurdus or give it to him in room 307. Word limit is 25 words. Deadline for all add ins is December 20th.
Seniors can purchase graduation ads in the yearbook. Grad ads are a great way to pay tribute and commemorate all the hard work and achieving an amazing accomplishment. You get to choose the pictures and words that reflect your growth and success. Contact Mr. Hurdus via email, [email protected], for more information. Ad prices are $20 for a 1/8 page, $35 for a 1/4 page, $50 for a 1/2 page and $85 for a full page.
2024-25 yearbooks are available for pre-sale now through November 27th.. You can purchase them at student accounts or online. The price is only $30. The price of the yearbook will go up throughout the year, so purchase it early